EWS-WWF: Heroes of the UAE campaign
- Aim:
- Raise awareness among the general public that over consumption of energy and
water is a problem for the UAE.
- Raise awareness among the general public that over consumption of energy and
- Desired outcome:
- Increased awareness and pledges to make sustained reductions in personal
- Increased awareness and pledges to make sustained reductions in personal
- Creative rationale:
- Emotional message from children of Abu Dhabi, appealing to adults to save their
future - Tangible, rational message on money savings
- Everyday kids dressed as superheroes as they make a heroic difference to
household consumption - Message: everyone can become a hero by joining the movement
- Emotional message from children of Abu Dhabi, appealing to adults to save their
Heroes of the UAE
Touchpoints developed a masterbrand to tie together a number of sustainability/
conservation initiatives
Energy Conservation Campaign
Press ads
Energy website
Educational Spotlight
Public service announcement
The Making of Heroes of the UAE…
(we had some fun !)
Water Conservation Campaign
Press Advertisements
Outdoor / Other
Facebook application
Heroes of the UAE Press Coverage
Other initiatives
- Celebrity endorsement at Coldplay in Abu Dhabi
- Face-to- face talks at universities
- Participation at school programmes
- World Environment Day event participation
- Rollout amongst Emaar communities